Application Manual
This manual describes the different modules that can be used within the application.
Click on one of the items in the menu bar at the top of the page to go directly to the explanation of the chosen item.
After logging in, the main menu appears. An example is shown below.
It contains 4 sections. Modules that can be used are shown in blue. Modules for which no subscription has been taken out are shown in gray and cannot be selected.
By clicking on the QOL-zone logo at the top left of the screen, you will return to this main menu at any time.
The different sections are further explained below. The QOLYSS module has not been described yet, as it is still under development.
In the Clients module, you can see an overview of all registered clients of your organization.
The recorded data per client includes Name, Date of Birth, and Organization ID.
The Organization ID can store an internal client number of your organization. In most cases, this is a registration number of the client from a client administration system.
This way, data from the SIS and/or POS can later be combined with data from your own client administration system, such as residence, work information, gender, etc.

Add Client
In the client overview, click on the “Add Client” button. The following screen will appear. In this screen, enter the client’s name, the internal client number from your client administration, and the date of birth. You can also specify the month in which the SIS interview and/or POS interview will be held with this client. Click “Save” to save the information or “Cancel” to undo the entry.

Edit Client Information
By clicking on the row of a client in the client overview, the data can be modified. Additionally, all client information can be deleted if necessary.

SIS module
The current application works with Interview Rounds. By using a start and end date between which interviews are conducted, the results of different rounds can be easily compared later. It is also possible to specify a SIS month for each client, providing a clear overview of which clients can be scheduled for an interview in which month.
In a future version of the QolZone Portal, the SIS data overview page will be populated with information on:
- Number of clients in the system
- Number of interview rounds
- Progress of the interview process
- Average scores per interview round
The SIS module contains several sections.

The first overview shows a list of all clients, along with the date of the last SIS interview, the round in which the last interview took place, and the percentage completion of the interview. At the end of the row, there is a link “W&D” that opens the Wishes and Goals page of the respective client.
At the top of the overview are the options: Standard SIS Planning, SIS Data Overview, and Interview Rounds.

Here, you can view the overview of the different interview rounds. Each round consists of a start and end date, between which a SIS interview can be conducted for all clients.
When adding an interview round, the duration of the interview cycle can also be adjusted.

In the example above, the interview cycle is set to 24 months, meaning the schedule is automatically set to one interview every 2 years per client.
By filling in the SIS month for each client in the client data, the **Standard SIS Planning** is generated. This is the monthly overview of all clients for whom a SIS interview should be conducted in the respective month. This is a guideline intended only as an aid.
Standard SIS planning

In this overview, you can see which clients need to have a SIS interview in each month.
Clients whose names are bold blue have a completed interview in this round, those in light blue have an incomplete interview, and those in gray have not had an interview in this round yet. Clicking on a client’s name will allow you to view, edit, or add an interview directly.

By clicking on the blue SIS text in the header, you return to the SIS main menu.
By checking the Deleted box and then clicking Save, the interview is marked as deleted.
Clicking on the row with the interview details allows you to continue or modify a previously started interview.
By using the Edit link at the end of the row, you can modify the interview details. The interview round and date can be adjusted.

The Print link at the end of the row displays a page with the full interview.

By right-clicking anywhere on this page and selecting Print, the full interview can be printed or saved as a PDF document.
SIS Entry Form
In the SIS entry form, questions can be easily answered by selecting the desired answer. Additionally, extra comments or explanations can be added per section.

The selected answer is shown in blue. In the top right corner of the screen, a percentage indicates how complete the interview is.
Clicking on the blue SIS text in the header above the form will return you to the SIS main menu.
Clicking on the client’s name in the top left corner of the form will take you back to the overview of SIS interviews for that client.
When an interview is 100% complete, a total overview of the interview can be requested via the Score Overview link.
At the bottom of the score overview, there is space for writing a short conclusion.
At the bottom of the entry form, you can easily click on another section to score. In this overview, sections where all questions have been answered are also shown in blue.

Wishes and Goals

In the overview of clients in the SIS module, at the end of each row is a W&D link. This opens the Wishes and Goals page for the respective client.
On the Wishes and Goals page, wishes and goals can be recorded for each SIS item. You can document a description of the current situation, the observation of the current situation, and the ideal situation for each item.
This always concerns the current information. No history of previous items is recorded. When something changes in one of the wishes or goals, you can simply adjust the text to the current situation.

At the bottom of the page, the different SIS items are listed.
By clicking on one of these items, you can modify the wishes and goals for the selected item. A blue background indicates that wishes and goals have already been recorded for the item, while a gray background means nothing has been entered yet.
By clicking the Save button, all changes are saved.
klikt worden alle wijzigingen opgeslagen.
At the top right of the form, there is a link to a Print Page. Clicking this link will display a complete overview of all wishes and goals for the client. By right-clicking on this print page, you can print the overview or save it as a PDF.
POS Module
The POS module works with interview rounds and an interview cycle.
The interview cycle can be set in the system and indicates the interval (in months) within which POS interviews are conducted in the organization. For example, this could be 24 months if a POS interview is conducted every 2 years for clients.
The start date of a round is entered when creating a new round. The end date is automatically filled in by the system based on the interview cycle.
For each client, an interview month can be entered. Based on this month, the system will automatically create a schedule for conducting the interviews.
By working with interview rounds, an automatic schedule can be created for conducting interviews, but it also makes comparing results and generating other reports clearer.
After selecting the POS module, an overview of all clients of your organization will appear.

At the top of the overview are several options: POS Planning, POS Data Overview, and Interview Rounds.
Interview Rounds

Here, you can view the overview of the different interview rounds. Each round consists of a start and end date, between which a POS interview can be conducted for all clients.
When adding an interview round, the duration of the interview cycle can also be adjusted.

In the example above, the interview cycle is set to 24 months, meaning the schedule is automatically set to one interview every 2 years per client.
By filling in the POS month for each client in the client data, the Standard POS Planning is generated. This is the monthly overview of all clients for whom a POS interview should be conducted in the respective month. This is a guideline intended only as an aid.
Standard POS Planning

In this overview, you can see which clients need to have a POS interview in each month.
Clients whose names are bold blue have a completed interview in this round, those in light blue have an incomplete interview, and those in gray have not had an interview in this round yet.
It is also indicated whether an interview is a self-assessment (SA) or an assessment by others (AB).
By clicking on a client’s name, you can view, edit, or add an interview directly.

Clicking on the row allows you to continue or modify a previously started interview. Using the Edit link at the end of the row, you can modify the interview details. The interview round and date can be adjusted.
By checking the Deleted box and then clicking Save, the interview is marked as deleted.

POS Data overview
When you click on the POS Data Overview link on the POS home screen, a screen similar to the one below appears.
In this overview, you can click on the various download links to download client data and POS data per round. The files are saved locally on your computer in .CSV format. These files can easily be edited in programs like Excel and, if desired, combined with data from other systems within your organization.
Add POS Interview

To add an interview, click on the Add Interview button.
Then, the screen below appears.

In this window, enter the date on which the interview was conducted.
For POS type, select POS-A. Currently, only POS-A is in use. In the future, the POS for children and the POS for the elderly will also be added. The round can be adjusted here if necessary; by default, this value is set to the most current round.
Finally, click SAVE.
The screen will then return to the overview of POS interviews for the selected client, to which the newly created interview will be added. By clicking on the desired interview entry in this overview, the POS form will open, allowing you to fill in or modify the interview.
POS Entry Form
In the POS entry form, questions can be easily answered by selecting the desired answer.

The selected answer is shown in blue.
At the bottom of the form, you can easily click on a different section to score. In this overview, sections where all questions have been answered will be highlighted in blue.

By clicking on the client’s name at the top of the page, you will return to the overview of POS interviews for that client.
In the top right corner of the screen, a percentage indicates how complete the interview is. When the interview is 100% complete, a summary of the interview can be accessed via the score overview link in the top right corner.
This summary shows which interviewers were involved in the interview, the scores per domain, the POS index, a graphical representation of the POS profile, and all comments entered per domain.

Print/Save Score Overview
To print or save the score overview as a PDF, click the Print Report button at the top right of the score overview page. A window will then open, as shown below. This may differ from the example depending on your browser and operating system. However, the options you need should always be available in the dialog window.

On the right-hand side, under Destination, select the desired printer to print the report, or choose Save as PDF to save the report to your computer. Uncheck the box for Headers and Footers and check the box for Background Graphics. Finally, click Print or Save to complete the action.
This module is intended for use after a POS interview. The module utilizes ChatGPT for generating summaries and making suggestions.
The CoPilot can be used to summarize the completed interview and, if desired, to provide suggestions for improvement and action points per domain, which can then be further developed in an ISP (Individual Support Plan). This makes the set goals measurable. In the next POS interview round, it will be possible to assess whether the goals have led to improvements in the targeted domain.
It is recommended not to request suggestions for all domains at once, but to focus on a limited number of goals to work on effectively. Suggestions can be requested or modified via the CoPilot at any time, allowing for easy and organized work on a few goals before moving on to new proposals for the remaining domains. It is advisable to do this in consultation with the client.
How the CoPilot works
When a POS interview is 100% complete, the CoPilot can be used to summarize the interview and, where desired, generate suggestions for potential improvements per domain.
For the CoPilot to generate a good summary and useful suggestions, it is important that the comment fields in the interview are filled with clear additions or questions for the respective domain. Since the advice is largely based on these texts, they play a crucial role.
In the overview of a client’s interviews, at the end of each row, you can see whether the CoPilot can be used for the respective interview. When the text CoPilot is displayed in blue, it can be used as a link to the CoPilot.

After clicking on the CoPilot link for a completed interview, a screen appears showing all the answers and comments per domain. In this overview, next to the score text, colors indicate whether the score is high (green), average (orange), or low (red). This is intended to provide easier insight into the scores per domain. Of course, this does not mean that a green score is good and a red score is bad, as it is entirely dependent on the client and what is desirable for them.

At the end of the overview with all the answers and comments, there is a button labeled Generate Summary. By clicking this button, a summary of the interview is created, organized by domain. The scores and comments are used to generate this summary. The text generated by the CoPilot can be freely edited by clicking on the text, making the desired changes, and then clicking the orange Save! button that appears on the left while typing.

Below the summary for each domain, there is an option to request suggestions from the CoPilot for improvement points in that domain. This can be done by clicking the Generate Suggestions button. After a short while, the field will be populated with 3 suggestions. The different text boxes can be resized by clicking on the small black dot in the lower-right corner of the box, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging the mouse up or down. The text that appears in the suggestion box can also be fully customized to your preference.

In this way, suggestions can be requested for each domain. At the very bottom of the page, there is also a button labeled Delete Summary and Suggestions. This will remove the summary and all suggestions.
The summary and suggestions will also be displayed in the score report when it is requested.